Saturday, April 2, 2011

Zoom in on something in the movie of your life. ~ Daily Challenge

How to do it

Imagine your life is a movie and you are the main character. Do you like the movie's plot? Do you like the supporting cast? What title would you give your movie? Now, get deeper into the story and identify one aspect of your life that you would like to either accentuate or improve.

Why it matters

Pulling back and using the wide-angle lens gives us a new perspective! An overview of our lives allows us to evaluate what's positive and what isn't. From here, it allows us to pinpoint something - a career? a relationship? - that we might want to work on.

My Story

The name of my story would be stop thinking with your heart and do what your brain is telling you.  In my story I need to make myself the main focus.  Lately I have forgotten about myself and my well being.  My sons disease has consumed my life. In this movie I will stop thinking with my heart, stop trying to fix his problems. It is  not my fault hes an addict.I did not make him an addict.  I need to give him to god and keep praying he will get better. Its my turn to be happy and enjoy my life. Its my turn to get well.

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